How to register a free domain name in Nepal?

HostingSewa - the biggest web host of Nepal is providing very cheap domain registration. Also known as HS is the most popular web service provider in Nepal. HostingSewa is the product of R.S. Softwares Private Limited, a software and IT company in Nepal.

Domain Registration Price

.np Domain Price

It's completely free to register .com domains like,,, and  other all .np extensions.

.COM Domain Price

As we can see the average cost of the domain name is NPR 1200 to NPR 1400 in Nepal. But, HostingSewa, one of the biggest player of Hosting service provider in Nepal now enters into Domain Registration too. So, HS has now giving domain names in cheap price ranging from NPR 200 to NPR 1000 (not including premium domains).

Domain Name Registration

How to register a domain name in  Nepal? Registration of a domain name is very simple. Here, we will learn about registering a new domain name.

.NP ccTLDs Domain Registration

.NP means domain extension for Nepal. ccTLD stands for Country Code Top-Level Domain. So, NP ccTLDs means all the Nepal's top domain extensions.

List of Nepal domains (.np ccTLDS)

Domain Extensions Entry area Notes academic institutes Must verify eligibility for registration. accountants and accounting firms Must verify eligibility for registration. actors Open ccTLD air-transport industry Must verify eligibility for registration; only those in various categories of air-travel-related entities may register. business associations Must verify eligibility for registration. Asia-Pacific region This is a ccTLD for companies, organizations, and individuals based in the region of Asia. business associations Must verify eligibility for registration. stereo/sound systems, music Open ccTLD bars and pubs Must verify eligibility for registration. coupons and online sellers Open ccTLD beer Open ccTLD auctions Open ccTLD bicycles and motorcycles Open ccTLD biodiversity, biographies Open ccTLD business This is an open ccTLD; any person or entity is permitted to register; however, registrations may be challenged later if they are not held by commercial entities in accordance with the domain's charter. This ccTLD was created to provide relief for the wildly-popular ccTLD. those who like black Open ccTLD those who like blue Open ccTLD specialized businesses Must verify eligibility for registration. construction industry Open only to businesses within the construction industry construction industry Open only to businesses within the construction industry marketing and social networking Open ccTLD cabs and taxi companies Must verify eligibility for registration. camera-related businesses Must verify eligibility for registration. camps and camping Open ccTLD financial firms Must verify eligibility for registration. cards-related businesses Must verify eligibility for registration. healthcare industry Must verify eligibility for registration. employment Open ccTLD financial Must verify eligibility for registration. food service Must verify eligibility for registration. general Open ccTLD CEOs Business owners and leaders only Christmas Open ccTLD healthcare clinics Must verify eligibility for registration. apparel Open ccTLD groups, organizations, assemblies Open ccTLD computer and/or encryption code enthusiasts Open ccTLD cafés and coffee aficionados Open ccTLD educational Must verify eligibility for registration. commercial This is an open ccTLD; any person or entity is permitted to register. Though originally intended for for-profit business entities, for a number of reasons it became the "main" ccTLD for domain names and is currently used by all types of entities including nonprofits, schools and private individuals. Domain name registrations may be challenged if the holder cannot prove an outside relation justifying reservation of the name, to prevent "squatting". social groups, neighborhoods Open ccTLD business associations Must verify eligibility for registration. computer technology Open ccTLD general interests Open ccTLD cooperatives The ccTLD is limited to cooperatives. general Open ccTLD financial institutions Must verify eligibility for registration. financial institutions Must verify eligibility for registration. dentists Open ccTLD diamond and jewelry industry Open ccTLD educational The ccTLD is limited to specific educational institutions such as, but not limited to, primary schools, middle schools, secondary schools, colleges, and universities. email Open ccTLD engineering firms Must verify eligibility for registration. real estate businesses Must verify eligibility for registration. happenings Open ccTLD generic expertise Open ccTLD financial businesses Must verify eligibility for registration. financial businesses Must verify eligibility for registration. fishing businesses, sports, and interests Open ccTLD fishing businesses, sports, and interests Open ccTLD fitness and exercise Open ccTLD airline businesses and travel Must verify eligibility for registration. florists Open ccTLD financial institutions Must verify eligibility for registration. furniture businesses Open ccTLD football/soccer Open ccTLD photo and art galleries Open ccTLD governmental The ccTLD is limited to Nepal governmental entities and agencies. guitars related Open ccTLD generic expertise Open ccTLD hip hop culture Open ccTLD related to AIDS and HIV Open ccTLD generic Open ccTLD industrial businesses Must verify eligibility for registration. information This is an open ccTLD; any person or entity is permitted to register. creative printing or tattooing Open ccTLD companies The ccTLD is designed to be added after the names of established companies with jobs to advertise. At this time, owners of a "" domain are not permitted to post jobs of third party employers. company limited Must verify eligibility for registration. connecting to information Open ccTLD business management Open ccTLD marketing services Open ccTLD general media interests Open ccTLD restaurants Open ccTLD Nepal military The ccTLD is limited to use by the Nepal military. mobile devices Must be used for mobile-compatible sites in accordance with standards. Museums Must be verified as a legitimate museum in Nepal. individuals, by name This is an open ccTLD; any person or entity is permitted to register; however, registrations may be challenged later if they are not by individuals (or the owners of fictional characters) in accordance with the domain's charter. network For use by domains pointing to a distributed network of computers, or "umbrella" sites that act as the portal to a set of smaller websites. general expertise Open ccTLD online Open ccTLD organization For use by non-profit organizations, and still primarily used by same. businesses Open ccTLD manufacturing and consumer auto Open ccTLD photography and photo-sharing Open ccTLD photography and photo-sharing Open ccTLD photography and photo-sharing Open ccTLD those who like pink Open ccTLD professions Currently, is reserved for licensed or certified lawyers, accountants, physicians and engineers in Nepal, professional seeking to register a domain must provide their registrar with the appropriate credentials. studio/art businesses Open ccTLD retail or wholesale businesses Must verify eligibility for registration. real estate Open ccTLD bars and pubs Open ccTLD those who like the color red Open ccTLD short-term ownership Open ccTLD general repair/maintenance businesses Open ccTLD restaurants Open ccTLD general Open ccTLD business services Open ccTLD education entities Must verify eligibility for registration. shoes Open ccTLD general interest Open ccTLD solar-power Open ccTLD business services Open ccTLD space Open ccTLD manufacturing industries Open ccTLD manufacturing industries Open ccTLD help Open ccTLD surfing Open ccTLD healthcare Must verify eligibility for registration. technology Open ccTLD tattoo aficionados Open ccTLD financial Must verify eligibility for registration. technology Open ccTLD communication services Open ccTLD general help topics Open ccTLD general Open ccTLD manufacturing industries Open ccTLD generic geographic Open ccTLD businesses Open ccTLD training and how-tos Open ccTLD travel and tourism industry related sites Must be verified as a legitimate travel-related entity. university life Open ccTLD travel Open ccTLD funding for start-ups Open ccTLD real estate and/or travel businesses Open ccTLD eye-care businesses Open ccTLD vodka-related businesses and interest Open ccTLD polling Open ccTLD travel Open ccTLD generic Open ccTLD webcam shows and video sharing Open ccTLD an open TLD for anyone interested in community resource creation Open ccTLD general interests Open ccTLD generic Open ccTLD general Open ccTLD general Open ccTLD

To register a free domain name in Nepal, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to the official .np domain registration site ( and check the availability of your free .np domain name extension. [caption id="attachment_4510" align="alignnone" width="720"]register-free--np-domain-name-step-1 A free .np domain name is being searched on Nepal's official .np Domain Registration by Mercantile Communications.[/caption] Step 2: Click the "Register now" button for further process. [caption id="attachment_4512" align="alignnone" width="720"] Congratulations! is available. Click "Register now" for further process.[/caption] Step 3: Fill up the domain request form and click "Save & Continue' button. np-domain-request-form-administrative-details np-domain-request-form-01 [caption id="attachment_4513" align="alignnone" width="720"]domain A domain name request form prompting users to enter necessary details for free domain name registration in Nepal.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4515" align="alignnone" width="720"]np-domain-request-form-administrative-details Fill the administrative details for NP Domain request.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4514" align="alignnone" width="720"]np-domain-request-form-technical-contact Fill the technical contact details for free .np domain registration.[/caption] Step 4: Get ready with the required documents.
To,                                                                   Date: 22-05-2019
The Host Master,
NPccTLD Registration Services,
Hiti Pokhari, Durbarmarg, Kathmandu, Nepal.

                               Subject: Application for receiving a free .np domain
Dear Official,
I would like to register ( domain for my personal use. I have already submitted my personal domain registration online form.  I have also attached the scan copy of my citizenship card with this application.

I would be very glad if you approve my domain registration request as soon as possible. Thank you very much for considering my application.

Domain name:

                                                                                                                                          Yours Sincerely

                                                                                                                                          Your Signature
                                                                                                                                          Your Full Name
Sample np domain registration cover letter for personal domain name. Step 5: Submit the required documents.
  • Required document for company/organization domain is a copy of the company registration certificate and a cover letter. [caption id="attachment_4517" align="alignnone" width="554"]company-registration-sample-certificate A sample copy of company registration form for free domain registration in Nepal.[/caption]
  • Required documents for a personal domain name is a copy of citizenship and a cover letter.
Step 6: Once submitted all necessary details and uploading documents, our new domain request form will go for verification by MOS. [caption id="attachment_4518" align="alignnone" width="720"]register-free-np-domain-name-step-5 Your domain request is received and wait for the approval.[/caption] Step 7: Once verified you will see "Active" on the Status table field. [caption id="attachment_4519" align="alignnone" width="720"]register-free-np-domain-name-step-6 Finally, we have successfully registered a free domain name in Nepal.[/caption]

.TLDs Domain Registration

For top-level domain registration, we have already created an article on registering a new domain in Nepal. This is how a free NP domain name is verified and get successfully registered in Nepal. References: